
FindaPatriot Directory of Patriot businesses, professionals, organizations, services, individuals, doctors, lawyers, meetups, get-togethers, supper clubs, classified ads, and more in California.

  • Keywords: guns, firearms, ammo, gear

 Guns, Retail /  California

  • Keywords: computer security, privacy phone, degoogling
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "I help people to maintain their computers and learn how to live free of Big Tech tyranny."

 Computers - Internet /  California

  • Keywords: insurance agent, personal lines, homeowners, auto, business, life

 Insurance /  California

  • Keywords: women, fashion, boutique, clothing, jewelry, apparel

 Retail /  California

  • Keywords: illustrator

 Illustrators /  California

  • Keywords: trees removal, arborist
  • Patriot Bona Fides: I love Our Country!! & I love all my fellow veterans, active duty, and all U.S. citizens!

 Lawn - Landscape - Trees /  California

  • Keywords: classic cars, custom, repair, restoration, restomod, consignment, inspections, classic vehicles

 Auto Service /  California

  • Patriot Bona Fides: "As an essential critical infrastructure industry, we have chosen to continue to serve our community by safely keeping our showroom open..."

 Home Improvements and Repairs, Interior Design /  California

  • Keywords: weight loss, health, wellness, coaching
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "I support everyone’s right to choose what’s right for them."

 Coaching /  California

  • Keywords: solar panels, car charging, installation, roofing, electrical
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "Serves patriot businesses gladly without reservation."

 Construction - Contracting, Home Improvements and Repairs /  California

  • Keywords: naturopathy, b12, pediatrics, thermography, lab testing

 Wellness /  California

  • Keywords: clothing, apparel

 Online Stores /  California

  • Keywords: life insurance, agent, agency, policy

 Insurance /  California

  • Keywords: concrete, concrete pumping, excavating, sanitation contractor
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "Veteran Owned"

 Construction - Contracting /  California