North Carolina

FindaPatriot Directory of Patriot businesses, professionals, organizations, services, individuals, doctors, lawyers, meetups, get-togethers, supper clubs, classified ads, and more in North Carolina.

  • Keywords: breakfast, lunch

 Restaurants /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: sports bar

 Bars /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: microgreens, medicinal herbs, organic

 Farm - Garden /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: animal safari, zoo

 Attractions, Kids /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: hearing aids, audiology, audiologists, ear doctors, tinnitus, health specialists

 Health Specialists /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: restaurant, bar
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "Patriotic family friendly bar/restaurant. We are community driven & care about our country. We opened during the plandemic 2020, no masks, no vaccines but freedom of choice. We support our local law enforcement & fund raise for good cause in our community. Everyone is welcome at The Vault! WWG1WGA"

 Bars, Restaurants /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: Christian
  • Patriot Bona Fides: Patriotic and Christian brick & mortar

 Online Stores, Retail /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: grill

 Restaurants /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: barbecue

 Restaurants /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: farmers market, produce

 Farm - Garden, Grocery - Market /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: barbecue

 Restaurants /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: small business consultant
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "Live, serve, and consume locally. Small business is under attack, and I am here to help."

 Business Services /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: geriatric, primary care, clinic

 General Practicioners /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: private school, core knowledge curriculum

 Education /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: coffee shop, country store
  • Patriot Bona Fides: 'We are doing everything 100% local" "We kept calm and carried on through the plandemic, no masks required by staff or customers (free to do so if they wish), no vaccine requirement either. We support our veterans, our first responders, our military & our students and give discounts. Everyone is welcome at The Coffee Lodge…even your 4 legged friend! WWG1WGA"

 Coffee Shops, Retail /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: flags, military memorabilia, display cases, personalized, handmade, made in usa, veteran owned
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "American Made for American Heroes is family owned and operated in North Carolina USA. We are a proud family of Army, Coast Guard and Marine Corps veterans. We salute all veterans, active duty military and first responders."

 Online Stores /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: health freedom, advocacy, vaccine education, therapeutics, grassroots activism

 Health Services, Political Orgs, Wellness /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: health and nutritional coaching

 Coaching /  North Carolina

  • Keywords: hair, haircuts, colorist, red carpet, fashion styling, straightening

 Beauty Salons /  North Carolina