
FindaPatriot Directory of Patriot businesses, professionals, organizations, services, individuals, doctors, lawyers, meetups, get-togethers, supper clubs, classified ads, and more in Tennessee.

  • Keywords: window cleaning, commercial, residential, gutter cleaning

 Cleaning - Janitorial /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: thermography, IV, vitamin injections, infusions, digital infrared imaging, screening, diagnostics

 Wellness /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: education, homeschool, kids, activities

 Education, Kids, Online Stores /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: IT, network specialists, computer repair

 Computers - Internet /  Tennessee

  • Patriot Bona Fides: "...organize, educate and empower parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government."

 Community Orgs, Political Orgs /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: mowing, lawn, landscape, tree removal

 Lawn - Landscape - Trees /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: health care, nurses, services, specialists, general practitioners
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "501c3 non-profit organization advocating for medical freedom and informed consent."

 - Healthcare, General Practicioners, Health Services, Health Specialists /  Tennessee

  • Patriot Bona Fides: "...parents working together to protect our right to choose what is best for our children and families."

 Community Orgs, Political Orgs /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: health care, nurses, services, specialists, general practitioners
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "508c1a Private Membership Association offering concierge nursing services as well as educational and entrepreneurial opportunities for nurses."

 - Healthcare, General Practicioners, Health Services, Health Specialists /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: taproom, brewery, bar
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "Founded on the anniversary of the "Shot heard round the world" of American Revolution, in TN relocated from CA. Small, Limited Governmentโ€ข Maximum Personal Libertiesโ€ข Individual Property Rightsโ€ข Free-Market Economics"

 Bars /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: photography, video, drone work, 3D printing

 Audio - Video - Media, Photographers /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: mortgage loan agent, home loans, refinance, re-fi
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "22+ years of residential mortgage experience. Now I help Patriots escape blue states, taxes, vaccine mandates, and extreme CoVid restrictions."

 Money and Crypto, Real Estate /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: indoor gun range, gun store, training, shooting

 Guns /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: catering, cake, cupcakes, bakery

 Bakers, Food - Beverage, Weddings - Events - Meetings /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: lifeguard, infant aquatics, swim lessons, swimming instructor

 Education, Kids /  Tennessee

  • Patriot Bona Fides: "DEFY is an attitude and a rallying cry promoting individualism and freedom from the norm."

 Kids, Sports /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: photography, photographers

 Photographers /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: home birth, doula, midwife, postpartum, childbirth education

 Birth Services /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: jewelry, bracelets, Emilee LaFlamme
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "I only use ethically sourced palo santo beads and all real natural gemstones."

 Metal - Jewelry Makers, Online Stores /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: realtor, real estate, state farm

 Real Estate /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: dance, theater, voice lessons, music, performance, instrument lessons

 Coaching, Dance - Theater, Kids /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: slaughter bound equine refuge, addiction recovery, women

 Farm - Garden, Wellness /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: consignment, gallery, retail, hand-made
  • Patriot Bona Fides: "100% hand-made, small batch items and workshops by local artisans, makers, and craftsman."

 Metal - Jewelry Makers, Other Crafters, Retail, Sculpters, Textiles - Leather Workers, Wood - Carpenters /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: cleaning, janitorial, residential, commercial, home, office, move-ins, move-outs, renovation, construction clean-up

 Cleaning - Janitorial /  Tennessee

  • Keywords: health, wellness, healthcare, chiropractor
  • Patriot Bona Fides: We teach health and wellness the way God designed it. Free from drugs, surgeries and limitations. Your body was designed by God to heal and function optimally without the need for unnecessary medical intervention.

 Chiropractors /  Tennessee

  • Patriot Bona Fides: "Blessed by the grace of GOD with the gift of editing and storytelling"

 Audio - Video - Media /  Tennessee